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Easy integration for Unity with Admob Ads

Easily integrate Google Admob ads and Unity ads. You can use both ad providers separately. Also, you can use both ad providers at the same time, this tool will select the ad provider at runtime which will give you the Best revenue. Also, Notch devices have some blank space remaining when the ad is shown this tool will solve this problem for your's Ads. I guarantee you will love this tool

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Facebook login with Playfab

How it will look like
A Facebook prompt will be opened that will ask the user to continue with the user that is logged in to Facebook.
A Facebook prompt will be opened that will ask the user for Email/Phone and Password if no Id is logged into Facebook.

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Easy login system with leaderboard for PlayFab with Google Saving and Login

Easily add google authentication and saving with playfab authentication and leaderboard without any hurdle.
Easily, add the functionality of Google login to enhance your UI/UX and backup your user data from Google Saving functionality. Also, Automatically login to PlayFab when the user login to Google Play Games and Assign their Name and Picture (Avatar), and add Leaderboard into your game. Just make a new design or use our template for leaderboard and just add PlayerValueAssigner to the design for single entry of leaderboard. Easily change the highscore or any other value just by calling the Changestatsvalue(100) function.

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In App Review

Easily customize when you want to trigger the In App review Dialog Box
Supported OS: Android
Unity Version: All
Required: Play In-App Review plugin

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Google Signin and Save

Just Add the script from the package and now you can authenticate user, and save user data to google play games services.
Easily customize what data you want to save.

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